Im this area you will find question/answer section about Yajirobie.
Q: What are Yajirobie's origins?
A: Yajirobie's past is never revealed during the series. He is simply a mysterious force in the DBZ universe.
Q: Could Yajirobie beat up your average person?
A: You bet. In fact he's about 80 times stronger than your avereage 5 power level average Joe Blow.
Q: Where did Yajirobie get his sword?
A: Along with his history this question is never answered. One would have to assume that he has it simply because he is a samuri.
Q: Can Yajirobie use any ki attacks?
A: Well technically no, but Iari Zari is a boosted attack so I guess it could count.
Q: If Yajirobie is so powerful why dosen't he ever fly?
A: For the same reason Master Roshi, Chi Chi, the Ox King, and Mr. Satan don't fly. They simply don't know how.
Q: Could Yajirobie beat up Mr. Satan?
A: I don't know, but I would have to guess yes. While Mr. Satan is powerful lets not forget that we saw Chibi Goku performing even greater feats of strenth from the first few moments of Dragon Ball.
Q: Has Yaji ever competed in a tournoment?
A: Yes! Yajirobie competed in the twenty third Strongest Under the Heavens tournoment. He competed under the name Masked Fat Man, but was defeated by Shin. Shin was actually Kami, there to compete against Piccolo.
Q: Why does Yajirobie eat so much?
A: Why does Goku eat so much? Their just hungry!
In this area you will find a question/answer section about this site.
Q: When was this page first started?
A: April 1, 2001 however the original idea came a long time before. I am very lazy.
Q: I think Yajirobie sucks, and I hate you for even making this page! Can I send you e-mail threats, viruses, and hate mail?
A: I don't mind hate mail about the site, but keep in mind this site is just for entertainment. If it really bothers you that much then maybe you should go somewhere else. Like here.
Q: Man I love this site, and love you for making it! Will you marry me, or at least allow me to help with the site?
A: Well as long as you're a female between the ages of 20 - 26 sure I'll marry you. Hell if you can cook a decent meal, and support my lazy ass I'd probably marry you. As far as helping with the site the best thing you can do for me is send me Yajirobie pictures, or add my link to your page. For linking information go to the link section at https://dbzyajirobie.tripod.com/links.html
Q: Why choose Yajirobie to develop a site for?
A: The plain and simple answer is that I strive to be unique. There are far too many Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Saiya-jin, all around fan sites out their.
Q: I want to build a DBZ fan site. Can you offer me any suggestions?
A: Yes... BE UNIQUE!!!! There are millions of DBZ fan sites out there. So no ones going to come to yours if it dosen't offer something different. When making a character fan page choose a less popular character. For example Master Roshi, Artifical Humans #8 (Hachan), #12, #13, #14, #16, #19, #20, Raditz, Nappa, Bacterian (db fans know what I'm talking about), and any less likely character.
Q: Yo I'm gonna steal everything from your site, and claim it as my own! What are you going to do about it?
A: I'll e-mail you asking politely too remove your site. If you must copy a site at least make it a good one.
Q: Will you join my Dragon Ball / Anime web ring?
A: Sure. Just e-mail me your sites address. I'll check it out, and if I like it I'll join.