First Episode: Jolly Fellow Yajirobe
Full Name: Yajirobie (actually spelled Yajirobe, but I already have the site set up for Yajirobie name so who cares.)
Age: Unkown. Possibly around 28 - 30 years of age.
Height: Around 5'6"
Weight: Around 230lbs.
Attacks: Iari Zari- A powerful swing of the sword dealing incredable damage.
Power Level: About 365 (DBZ RPG play book stated his power to be in the eight hundreds, but that is very unlikely)
Weapons: Katana
Favorite Web Site: This one
The History of Yajirobie
Yajirobie first appeared in the Dragon Ball series during a saga known as the Damiou Piccolo saga. During this time an evil being with incredible power is trying to conquer the Earth with the aid of his evil spawn. His power is far to over whelming for the young Goku who opposes him. While traveling Goku meats up the samuri Yajirobie, and they agree to a freindship (it should be noted that at this time Yajirobie is stronger than Goku). Shortly after teaming up the warriors are attacked by the demon spawn Cymbal. Cymbal is a large flying character who is about equal in power to Goku. Yajirobie and Goku play paper, rock, scissors over who gets to battle Cymbal, and luckily Yajirobie wins. With one mighty swipe of his Katana Yajirobie sliced Cymbal in half killing him. After the battle Yajirobie celebrated by cooking and eating the body of Cymbal (yum yum finger licking good).
For a very short time after this Yajirobie and Goku split apart to continue on their seperate ways. During this time Goku challenges the mighty Piccolo Damiou to a battle. Unfortinately for Goku he gets his ass beat bad. Just as Goku is about to be killed Yajirobie runs into the battle to save him. Yajirobie then makes the trip to Korin tower carrying the injured lad all the way. Once there Korin provides Goku with a sensu bean, and allows him to go on to be trained by Kami himself. Yajirobie on the other hand loves Korin's "pad", and decides to remain there (This is why Yajirobie lives with Korin for all of you people who might have wondered about that). During Dragon Ball Yajirobie contiues to pop his head in to check up on Goku, and lend a hand when needed. However as all great things do Dragon Ball came to an end. However in it's end gave way to a new series....
Shortly after the death of Goku in the battle against Raditz Yajirobie was asigned to gather the Earths mightiest warriors so that they could train upon Kami's tower in preperation for the great battle to come. He was also given the honor of joining them as his power did exceed that of most of the other warriors. Most of his training consisted of sparing with Krillin, but as he is more of a loner he spends most of this time keeping to himself (during training Yaji could be seen easily dodging Krillins attacks due to his greater speed). Unfortiantely for Yajirobie is the fact that while he was sitting everything out the other warriors actually managed to exceed his power. Though this didn't bother him as he didn't really like the idea of fighting anyway.
Upon the arrival of the Saiya-jins to Earth Yajirobie is the first to make it to the city where they landed. Accepting a "little compinsation" for his knowledge he informs the media and police of the threat facing the Earth. Of course a warrior can't fight on an empty stomach so Yajirobie remains in the city to eat, and keep everyone up to date. Later however when he senses the arrival of Goku he quickly rushes off to battle. Upon arriving at the battle he finds the ultimate showdown happening between Goku and Bejita. Goku gains the upper hand of course, and blasts Bejita into space. Yajirobie of course quickly runs out to congradulate the injured warrior Goku. However Bejita survived the blast, and returns to Earth. This time however he's in Oozuro form!
Yajirobie watches his allies try to in vein at stopping the rampaging Bejita, but of course they fail. Finally when all hope seems lost Yajirobie pulls through for his friends by slicing of Bejita's tail reducing him back to a normal Saiya-jin. When Bejita attempts to counter attack Yajirobie he uses his sword to slice Bejita right open. However Bejita regains his composure, and attacks Yajirobie without mercy sending him down for the count. Bla bla bla Bejita is beaten bla bla bla...
After the Saiya-jin saga Yajirobie plays almost no crucial role in the series at all. Though he does become the offical bringer of the sensu beans he no longer takes any part in battles. He does however appear in movies for, five, and six. Like all good DB characters Yajirobie was just booted to the background to make way for the Saiya-jins of DBZ. Yajirobie now lived in a trailor park located in Vermont. The end.