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The Dragonball Search Engine

November 15, 2001: Nothing much. Added a new link to a Tenshinhan (Tien) shrine. I like any shrine devoted to a human. Also joined a top list.

A lot of people on message boards that I visit have asked what's goin on with Dragon Ball Z on Toonami. Well to extend out the series they have divided the very long Buu saga into two halves. Next fall, Sept. 2002, the series will conclude. Then in 2003 they will begin playing Dragon Ball GT. This will also be divided into two parts. DBGT sucks, but on the plus side it has good animation. That's the only good side.

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November 11, 2001: I've updated my link section with new afiliate logos. Apparently the old ones didn't work very well. Please change over to the new ones if your currently using the old!

On another note I've noticed I'm getting quite a few hits recently. I thank every visitor who visits, and especially those who take a moment to sign my guestbook. It helps a lot to know this site is apreciated (or despised I guess). Really, I want to hear from you.

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November 5, 2001: I know it's been a while since I've had a good update, so here it is. MANY new Yajirobe images in the gallery!!!!!!!! All from movies 4, 5, and 6! Whooooohooooooo! So check it out in the gallery.

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October 16, 2001: Ok not a very big update, but I added a link in the link section to a site where you can find DBZ roms. That's all.

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September 30, 2001: As you can see I've totally redone my page layout. Hope you like it.

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September 24, 2001: Whooooohooooo! Cowboy Bebop is back! Glad to see it! I love that series! Go buy the DVDs! I'm drunk!

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September 21, 2001: I added a guestbook. It's over there on the link bar. Take a couple seconds to tell me what you think. Leave your anime related link for exposure, or to ask to be added to my links. Hey why not.

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September 20, 2001: Looks like CN had to start over on Dragon Ball. Too bad they stupidly played two eps a day. If they had played one then they could continue to get the ratings for at least another week or two. Oh well.

My page is getting a little long here, so I'll keep past updates in my new past updates section. Updates will remain here for two weeks before being moved.

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September 19, 2001: Hey notice anything missing from todays episode of Dragon Ball Z? Maybe the right episode? Todays episode should have been one where Gohan takes a girl named Angela (is that the right name? I haven't seen this ep in a while.) out on a date. Well unfortinately this ep also contained a scene where an apartment complex caught on fire. Oops large building on fire, we can't have that. So due to the events on Sept 11 we won't be seeing that episode. How sad.

Now look people I'm just as American as every other American, and yes I was just as hurt. However I have to say that we seriously shouldn't let this incident guide our lives. I mean their already delaying games, movies, and t.v. series just because of scenes with large buildings. Just because theirs a large building dosen't mean everyones going to relate it to the trade towers and burst into tears. Disgree with me or agree with me, it dosen't matter I guess cause in the end we have no power to do anything about it.

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September 18, 2001: I've decided to start updating more often as you can see. Also as you may have seen CN has canned Cowboy Bebop from it's adult swim schedule for unkown reasons. Rumors about the web vary from too much violence to connections to the recent acts of terrorism. Planet Namek has unofficialy said that the episode where prisoners take over a prison ship can be considered a terrorist act so people could be offended by such stuff. Stupid...

I personaly LOVE Cowboy Bebop, and find this to be an outrage. I have enjoyed the DVDs, and prevoious to that the fan subs. I believe all fans should be able to do the same, especially those who can't afford (or are unwilling to pay for) the DVDs. The owners of CN should be whipped or something.

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September 17, 2001: I've added some cool logos to my link section so if you want to add a link to my site feel free to use them. Also Please feel free to submit your site to me to be added.

As you might be able to tell I did some updating to the side bar as well. I've added a permanent memorial to the events of September 11, 2001. Also I've remove the Link Asylum links because it was dead.

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September 11, 2001: May we never forget those Americans who have perished at the hands of cowardice terrorism. The Yajirobie Fan Shrine offers it's prayers for those who have perished, and also for those who have survived. To quote in regards of those hwo have done this, "May God have mercy on the their souls, for we definately won't."

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August 28, 2001: Toonami says new eps of Dragon Ball Z will start September 10th. This will be the final season, so maybe next year we'll see some DBGT. Oh wait I hate DBGT. Oh well.

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August 25, 2001: Two updates in one weekend! Wow! Ok I added some new images, and changed my main logo at the top of the page. Also I added a couple links.

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August 24, 2001: Ok so I'm slow on updates! Sheesh! Well as you can see Dragon Ball has started on Toonami. Watch it at 5:30 p.m. est on your local station. Please be aware that the first thirteen eps are actually re-dubs of the original Saban eps. That's why the cuts and cencoring seem so bad. Don't worry the sexual humor will return for future eps.

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July 1, 2001: Been a while since I updated due to internet problems. Don't have much to say, but I did change the e-mail link cause I don't use AOL anymore.

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April 2, 2001: Someone said my image section was down, but I have fixed it. Websites require too much damn effort!
Site has made DB-Search.hypermart.net

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April 1, 2001: The Ultimate Yajirobie Shrine goes public. Probably an appropriate date considering the meterial on this page.